Ingenuity–built by the people of Earth
Which has more computer horsepower onboard: the almost car-sized Mars Perseverance rover or the tiny four-pound Ingenuity helicopter?
Which has more computer horsepower onboard: the almost car-sized Mars Perseverance rover or the tiny four-pound Ingenuity helicopter?
We're doing little about climate change and expect severe weather to get worse and more frequent. Our renewable energy resources are vulnerable.
Our government frequently cannot act in our best interest because of the immense control corporations and corporate money exert. It's good to have private sector companies doing their part to force change with better ideas and through real competition.
Many Americans were awed and thrilled over, for example, the James Webb Space Telescope, but some see little value in space exploration and want the money spent here on Earth.
In early October 1957, I was looking at a bright white dot slowly moving across the night sky. My dad said it was the Soviet satellite Sputnik. It wasn't.
Young Earth Creationists claim that the Earth is only thousands of year old, not the 4.54 billion years that science claims. How can we really know the age of the Earth?
A story of how young women in 1891 and 2023 know a great deal about science.
Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager flew around the Earth non-stop on one tank of gas in 1986. Steve Fossett did it in 2006.
My conservative friend and I were discussing politics when he said that the extreme social divide can only be solved by the liberals listening to conservatives, understanding their issues, and compromising.
Spelling errors are plentiful on the Internet, but none have had the long-term impact as the one made by a Roman scribe in 75 AD.